Discovering Paris by Bike: Freedom and Adventure in the City of Light

Paris, the City of Light, reveals itself in a new light when explored by bike. Let yourself be seduced by the freedom that this means of transport provides, and set out to discover the iconic landmarks of the capital from the Roch Hotel & Spa.

In the Heart of Paris: From the Tuileries to Montmartre on Two Wheels

Start your day by cycling along the banks of the Seine, offering breathtaking views of iconic monuments such as Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Along the way, pass through the famous Tuileries Garden to admire iconic landmarks such as the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde. Continue your journey towards the lively district of Montmartre, climbing the winding hills up to the majestic Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur. Take in the panoramic views of the city from this height, then descend through the bohemian alleyways, where art and creativity reign supreme. An exhilarating itinerary, where every pedal stroke reveals the timeless magic of the French capital.

Paris by Vélib’: Stations near the Roch Hotel

For a bike exploration of Paris during your stay at the Roch Hotel, several Vélib’ stations are easily accessible on foot. Among the nearby options, you'll find stations such as Ventadour - Opéra, Saint-Honoré - Musée du Louvre, and Danielle Casanova - Opéra. In addition to their proximity to the hotel, these starting points are convenient and allow you to easily explore the city's treasures, from the lively central districts to picturesque alleyways and historic monuments. Thus, the Roch Hotel & Spa, located in the heart of the capital, is the ideal starting point for your ride. By exploring Paris by bike, you'll have the chance to marvel at its architectural diversity, vibrant atmosphere, and timeless charm, all at your own pace.


More information : Vélib'

Le Roch Hotel & Spa, a 5-star hotel in the heart of the luxury district of Paris

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